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On Server: OBSOLETESUPERSTARS.COMTerrorist Hunt (Coop) 
Site (54) : -1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7- -8- -9- -10- -11- -12- -13- -14- -15- -16- -17- -18- -19- -20- -21- -22- -23- -24- -25- -26- -27- -28- -29- -30- -31- -32- -33- -34- -35- -36- -37- -38- -39- -40- -41- -42- -43- -44- -45- -46- -47- -48- -49- -50- -51- -52- -53- -54- -55- -56- -57- -58- -59- -60- -61- -62- -63- -64- -65- -66- -67- -68- -69- -70- -71- -72- -73- -74- -75- -76- -77- -78- -79- -80- -81- -82- -83- -84- -85- -86- -87- -88- -89- -90- -91- -92- -93- -94- -95- -96- -97- -98- -99- -100- -101- -102- -103- -104- -105- -106- -107- -108- -109- -110- -111- -112-
Ubinameused Nicks
krabbykiller|Krabby|, |SK|Krabby, God, The.SrgteKitty, groundbytables, TheSrgtBruceLee, nade_tunnel, keepgoing, KrabbyKiller, Smoke, Newbie707, Gary, ssundee, rob, D3RP_ssundee
Overall12333 2048 129570 45477 35% 2126 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 6.02 Score: 33842
krabbykrabbykrabby320, T4L_18WHEELER
Overall55 40 425 135 31% 40 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 1.38 Score: 923
krabysniperkrabby_15, krabbyforrest15, krabby*forrest*, Krabby13, Krabby14, krabby15, basement!, BruceLee_JKD, Keabby14, outside_shed, other_end, KEEPGOING, Backin15min, behind_u_, krabbinator, Krabbinator!, g2gpopssmooches, outside!, krabbysniper, krabbykiller, roomsonroof!, AREYOUSERIOUS, inside, Kraby14, KrabbyKiller\, Death, KrabbyKiller', KrabbyWOMEN, Krabby2013, KrabbyKiller], U_Can_Do_It, PLay_on, inCORNER2ndFL, U_CAN_Doit, 3_floor_hallway, FINISH_IT, Krabby14(1), Biebs, KrabbbyKiller, you_gotta_vote, Bruec_Lee_JKD, window, staircase, KrabbKiller, KrabbyKiller_, brb, KrabbyBatter:), Krabby<3Jester, Krabby<3<3Pops, Krabby145, Go_Back_, GO_RUM_GO!!, DaBomb, DaBomb_, I<3Pops, I_FAIL, smooches_love_y, KrabbyKille, FAILURE:(, ltmrli, REFYMF, ltmylifer, Feisty, FeistyKrabby, KrabbyBaller, DIElove, Go_back, FU, 1_left, BruceLee_JKD', I_<3_Madonna, I_<3_Pops, SilentBlitZ, DONT_WIN_PLS, WIN_POPS, <3_Pops, HATE_RUM, OTHER_WAY, MOFO, I<3My3Boys, Basement, GO_MIKE!, BL_JKD, ZULU:D, I<3VAMP, outside, DaBomb\, KrabbyKitty, ifigured, Kitty, In_Grave, The.SrgteKrabby, Kitty_, Krabby_14, Bottomfloor, The.SrgteKitty, |SK|Krabby, TheSrgtBruceLee, TheKing, The_SrgtBruceLe, BRB_food, TheSrgt.BruceLe, God, BruceLee, MagicBullet, CpNRecoil, Ant_Killer, DOWN, _.!.., Redrum, FF*_Redrum, Demon, UnknownSoldier, go_down, play_it_out, BiGGuNs, BruceLee_ill, Sick, getting_a_beer_, backINaMIN, NewGuy, Lunch_room, Yulaw, F.N.G., Gargamel, KrabbyKille4, ONIstairs, ., WHY_, ButterFinger, MightyMan, TakeYourTimme, T.C.fan, shooting_range, below, came_out, UP, PUNISH_THEM, no_worries, Toopalow, Sam, Tim, 2_snipes_roofs, Take_Time, FuckMe, Play_it, JohnDoe, SpeedRacer, Rabbit, JD, James, SatanClaus, woHan, B****L**, 3_left, 29th_floor, TakeurTim, SpaceGhost, Empty, BigJohn, RedBaron, Hitman, MegaMan, 9bottommount, TimeRunOut, ShootWhiteTanks, Terrorist, other_side, spawn, Bruce_L., SomeOne, BUNKER, TheFlash, $$$$MONEY, BruceIsMe, 2insewer, Seeker, on_the_ground, Speedy, OniComePlay, noobguy, 1stLunchRoom, Neo, Spaz, SameButUp, MILF_Lover, Roxah, BadMan, Max*Star, Main_Floor, DoeJohn, 5onBottom, GreenHorn, krabysniper, Papa_S., AI, Hulk"SmaSh, noRambo, John, 5buildnCompuond, WhoAmI, Bruce, DoJohn, 2ndFl_LongBuild, GoodGames_L8tr, PlayIt, tunnel, across, other_second_fl, Crocket, Copo, Bond__James, James_Bond, ÖOlleeger, Neumono, Ip_Man, KrabbyKiller(1), IpMan, 3rdFloorGreen, Billy_Jack, Snoopy, BOMBER, dummy, tilly, Krabbies_Dad, BL, +¦Üt, UK:Tippan, Jail_cells, MeanNewGuy, SantaClaus, Omega, Santa_Claus, F__U, downstairs, AustinDangerPow, Ice, Happy, Captain, Capt.Groovy, Chucky, RunDown, Casper, SexManiac, unHappy, PC_room_Mid, &&&&, Mega_Man, KingOfQueens, BB_DD, Damon, DannyBoy, LOOK_UP, KillMe, X_man, WalkenDead, Pluto, bladeCLOSEclock, BruceLee_, U_Die_Now, No, MoonDoggy, BB, SruoyPu, Trevon, CaptH";, 10_left, WhoSaidThat, Boo, Mouse, PISTOL_N_RUN, TheBruceLee, TheeBruceLee, AaA, SuperMan, No_Rambo, NobodiesBitch, J_K_D, SmokinAces, Paynus, JOHNDEO, 1, =IEF=BruceLee, {MIP}Mr.Pink, name_BruceLee
Overall204298 26986 1813654 751445 41% 28481 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 7.57 Score: 468479
Overall80 10 211 133 63% 11 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 8.00 Score: 1642
Overall962 164 5436 2965 54% 181 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 5.87 Score: 8201
Overall33 27% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 4.00 Score: 401
Overall20 102 43 42% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 6.67 Score: 672
Overall53 339 138 40% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 10.60 Score: 1077
Overall27 125 69 55% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 9.00 Score: 907
Overall45 10 22% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 4.00 Score: 402
Overall22 15 265 72 27% 15 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 1.47 Score: 307
krillin747[WT]HEYNOW, [WT]-HEYNOW
Overall29 10 321 132 41% 10 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 2.90 Score: 596
Overall19 42 27 64% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 19.00 Score: 1906
Overall31 10 142 82 57% 10 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 3.10 Score: 639
Overall60 18 417 192 46% 18 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 3.33 Score: 698
krizprepMommySqueaks, ¦§¤§¦Mommy
Overall915 143 4877 2460 50% 152 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 6.40 Score: 8523
Overall66 26 39% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 4.00 Score: 403
Overall87 14 1408 323 22% 18 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 6.21 Score: 1293
Overall144 22 15% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 3.00 Score: 301
krowolaKrowola, kill_urself, middle_stairwel, now_climb_pole, Roof, go_back, btm_left_spawn, one_up_ladder, middle_stairs, run_n_gun, spawn_up, up, up_from_u, up_stairs, under_ground, shooting_area, room_frt_house, under_u, garage, top_1st_buildin, upstairs, all_the_way_up, behind_fence, bathroom, garage_left, on_fire_stairs, dr_by_stairs, JustlikeThatKel, ineedkel_back, GoKelGo!, ggz_cya, shoot_the_walls, go_down_kel, in_building, warehouse, front_of_house, go_bucky_go, go_down, Sex.exe, The_Hardener, outside, Krolowa, fan, closet_in_bthrm, nade_up_again, spec_is_afk, afk, reception_area, crawl_tunnel, gray_truck, climb_pole, go_back_up, other_stairs, turn_around, middle_of_map, Boom!, JUMP!!!, on_balcony, go_back_spec, spawn, Flick_Me, yes, WINNER!, go_Hite_go, run_n_gun_plz, 1_min, Come_Play_jig, u_are_:), thru_windows, top_of_first_bu, clothes_washing, gtg_ggz, ShowOff, REALLY_, Thx_Jig, tunnels, 1_st_floor, go_back_kilo, 2nd_fl_big_buil, Shhhh_dnt_tell_, dova_broke_it, go_down_:), garden, windows_evil, on_the_street, Murderer!, same_level_as_u, same_spot, omg, warehouse_upsta, The_Nigger, come_play, u_missed_the_bo, other_building, roof_:), Kitchen, Krow
Overall535489 38025 3533234 1989135 56% 41961 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 14.08 Score: 1240264
Overall67 11 16% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.29 Score: 30
KrueckharetKrueckhart, The.Srgt.Hart.
Overall78 28 604 231 38% 31 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 2.79 Score: 1803
Overall132 23 714 429 60% 24 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 5.74 Score: 2425
KruiffYKTJOHNDOE, Kruiff
Overall111 15 1059 419 39% 19 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 7.40 Score: 1543
Overall273 40 2427 940 38% 41 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 6.83 Score: 4465
Overall179 38 1012 437 43% 38 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 4.71 Score: 3075
Krystian123412Krystian$, __SKO__Krysti@n, [GJ]Warman
Overall1282 237 10830 4523 41% 255 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 5.41 Score: 8450
Overall44 238 118 49% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 6.29 Score: 641
Overall985 160 7002 3118 44% 172 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 6.16 Score: 8471
Overall30 30% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.80 Score: 82
Overall84 22 26% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 2.50 Score: 252
Overall15 62 27 43% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 5.00 Score: 506
KT_CobraKT_Cobra, would_you_like_, one_top
Overall1130 199 7867 3240 41% 227 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 5.68 Score: 8509
Overall58 18 665 217 32% 18 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 3.22 Score: 673
KT_ScottHKT_ScottH, KT_ScottJ
Overall433 116 5737 1696 29% 125 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 3.73 Score: 4806
Overall293 68 3473 957 27% 81 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 4.31 Score: 4080
Overall265 51 1586 1014 63% 56 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 5.20 Score: 4690
Kuberpennerpendulum, 5ternqu3ll_
Overall162 62 1544 455 29% 62 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 2.61 Score: 2410
Overall50 20 40% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.75 Score: 77
Overall18 0% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.00 Score: 0
Overall62 10 732 274 37% 11 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 6.20 Score: 1272
Overall542 68 4359 1787 40% 73 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 7.97 Score: 7381
kupidoncopDukeNukem, DukeNukem[UA], CarpetOnTheWall, DudeNukem, NewYear, opposite_buildi, 1st_floor
Overall16733 1409 158549 64842 40% 1688 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 11.88 Score: 53741
Overall54 27 50% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 4.00 Score: 403
kush_70Kush70, Kush
Overall137 28 1486 487 32% 30 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 4.89 Score: 3138
Overall27 11 40% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 2.00 Score: 202
KuzikosKuzikPL, Kuzik
Overall1522 212 10736 5311 49% 230 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 7.18 Score: 10742
Overall731 172 7162 2631 36% 184 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 4.25 Score: 6019
Overall330 78 2538 1172 46% 82 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 4.23 Score: 4023
kyleseshJOHNDOE, KyleSesh
Overall14 116 68 58% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 2.80 Score: 285


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